Monday 27 October 2014

The Dark Side of Women: Men Beware- Watch Gone Girl

This post is a review and discussion of the recently released #Gone Girl, by writer #Gillian Flynn.

Let me begin by saying that I liked the entire movie but disliked the end. I don’t want to say why because that would be a spoiler for those willing to watch the movie.

Apart from the acting, dialogue and other cinematic aspects, I found the breaking of the gender stereotype extremely interesting.

We usually see men as psychopaths and criminals in the world. Women in movies like Fatal Attraction are depicted as obsessed crazy ex girl friends which gives them a motive to haunt the guy. However, it is fair to say that female characters are disproportionately portrayed as psychopaths and criminals in the media.

In Gone Girl, the character of Amy is a fresh attempt in itself because she is not the ex girl friend or an obsessed fan, she is his wife. A wife controlling and manipulating her husband is not a common thing to view.

 When the movie begins and Amy begins her side of the story, she had all my sympathy and I was disgusted by her husband, the way he was behaving and treating her.

I am single, never married so I cannot vouch for the tagline that marriage can be a real killer. But I do know that couples argue, sometimes agree to disagree and other times go too far to hurt each other and end up divorced. In most cases, the sympathy of the viewer is with the woman. It is easier to assume that the man must be abusive and violent because that is how our society raises men to be; emotionless, dominant and aggressive.

However, the fact is not all men are aggressive and violent.  Similarly, not every woman is a victim. Domestic violence is much more complex than one person oppressing another. What meets the eye isn’t always true. Women can be abusive not only towards men but also towards their own children. The dark side of women is usually not talked about.

The purpose of this post was to highlight the issue of feminism seen as the same as man hating. While feminism is a struggle for the rights of women, this wave of feminism is also advocating the rights of men, LGBTQ and asexual people. Specifically men.

I haven’t personally witnessed a woman as creepy as Amy in the movie, but I know few women who are extremely violent, aggressive, and competitive and have successfully isolated their husbands from their families.

To be fair and balanced in my approach to human rights and feminism, I don’t want a world where women’s rights are accomplished at the expense of innocent men and children. It’s not a parallel universe where things could be different; it’s here, now. The discussion of gender based violence is incomplete without recognizing the rights of men and children too.

For those of you who think feminism is all about criticizing and hating men, I have a message:
Yes, patriarchy must end but not replaced by matriarchy. Women being dominant and given more wages, respect and attention isn’t equality. It’s just a flipped version of what our society is today.

For the society to be progressive, it is crucial to respect human beings regardless of their gender, age, color, sexual orientation and sizes.

Gloria Steinem puts it correctly

#Gone Girl  #Gillian Flynn #genderstereotype

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